Curated by
Andreas Nicolas Fischer
Daniel Franke
Mikala Hyldig Dal
Florian Lamm
Wendela Loman
Christopher Warnow
in Cooperation with
Work Flow
Wearechopchop invites 5 media artists/-collectives/-groups and 5 performance
artists/dancers to a one week workshop on October 17 th to 21th 2010.
The theme will be “Operative Performances” as we will work in the intersection point of
performance art and media art to experiment with “interactive sculptures”: sculptures that
react to and interact with a moving -performing- body.
The invited artists will form 5 groups pairing performance artists and media/sound artists.
Each group will prepare a “staging” – a performance with a medial overlay in the ground-
level gallery of HBC.
The five stagings will take place on October the 22 th between 7-11 p.m. in a rotating
order; some might overlapif it fts the individual concepts.
As the workshop will take place in the same gallery as the exhibition/presentation,
objects, sketches and notes from the creative work process might stay to form a
processual framing of the artworks.
Wearechopchop will present their research on Operative Performances and together with
invited scholars offer a theoretical build up on the exhibition. This presentation will take
place in the intersection point of theory and praxis and should oscillate with the exhibited
This first event “Operative Performances. Test Run – 5 Stagings” is conceived as a test
run functioning by means of artistic research to defne, in a (rather) informal matter,
course, content and collaboration partners of the following events by Wearechopchop at